Usability at VeriSign

We provide a full range of User Experience support for VeriSign product development. The Usability team consists of user researchers and testers, usability engineers, UI designers, and Web developers.

The Usability team is a bridge between product management and engineering, along the way gathering input from customers and other stakeholders to help design the product. If you would like to learn more, contact us for information.

Usability Team: Mission statement

To improve the user experience for VeriSign customers by making our products and services consistent and easy to use. By meeting directly with customers and employing a user-centered approach to design products, we help our customers succeed.

What's in this issue?

VeriSign Identity Protection and user-centered design

User-centered design practices help ensure the best interface for consumers.

VIP Access

It's not just hard tokens any more. Designing for the mobile token.

Certificate Center Preview

Coming to a browser near you: SSL Certificate Center. Analysis shows that 60% of the certificates in the retail base are purchased by 25% of customers. Those customers have been asking for a long time for a way to manage all of their retail certificates in the same place.

What's new in Usability?

EV, FDS, MSS, and many other acronym-named products and services are being put through the usability processes.

Surprises in user testing: Making the Status page more usable

Sometimes, just when you think you've done everything right, the users show you how to improve.